NameAlfonso VI de Castilla y Leon el Bravo
Birth Date1035
Death Date30 Jun 1109 Age: 74
OccupationRey de Leon de 1065 a 1071 y de Castilla y Leon de 1072 a 1109
Birth Dateabt 1071
Death Date12 Sep 1107 Age: 36
Birth Date1046
Birth PlaceFrancia
Death Date1093 Age: 47
Notes for Alfonso VI de Castilla y Leon el Bravo
1a esposa: Constanza
2a esposa: Berta
3a esposa: Zaida (Maria Isabel)
4a esposa: Elizabeth (Isabel, quizas la misma Zaida)
5a esposa: Beatriz
Ver con atencion la posibilidad de que Isabel (Elizabeth) y Zaida fueran la misma persona, en notas de dichas esposas.
Notes for Zaida (Maria Isabel) (Spouse 1)
Mora. Parte de la Alianza entre Motamid y Alfonso. Ante la presion, se convierte y toma el nombre de Maria Isabel. rey castellano era muy mayor y tras cinco matrimonios y dos concubinatos (las relaciones incestuosas con su hermana Urraca merecen un aparte) no tuvo ningún hijo varón que le sucediera. Desde el mismo momento que nació Sancho Alfonsez el rey lo reconoció como su directo descendiente llamado a gobernar Castilla, León, Galicia con Portugal y el resto de condados. remember that Alfonso VI was a king without a male heir. Even though he had the mistress Ximena/Jimena Munoz, she had only born him only daughters, Elvirs and Teresa. He also had a legitimate daughter, Urraca. So it was partly because of the very real threat of invasion by Arab Spain that Alfonso accepted Zaida as a mistress in 1092. She was the widow of Fath al-Mamun of Cordoba (who died in March of the previous year), daughter-in-law of al-Mutamid of Sevilla. . Importantly, Zaida became the mother of Alfonso's only son, Sancho, who would eventually be named his heir, in spite of his being illegitimate. Bishop Pelayo's chronicle (already quoted in the last post), states that she was baptized and given the Christian name Elizabeth (which was then equivalent to Isabel). . Zaida's monumental inscription states that she died on 13 [or 12, depending on the source] September in childbirth, but the year of her death does not survive. Thus the controversy. Levi-Provencal had concluded that she died during the birth of her son Sancho, on 12 September 1093. . But if you equate Zaida with Queen Elizabeth, who did not die until 1107, you arrive at a death date of 12/13 September 1107 (hence the varying dating given by different authorities). It is known that Queen Elizabeth was the mother of two daughters, and that Zaida was mother of Alfonso's only son. So if you equate the two women, it means she was mother of three children. But as she may not have died in 1093, the birth date of Zaida's son Sancho is problematic too. . There isn't enough surviving evidence to resolve these disputes. Different scholars interpret the evidence in different ways. BUT there is NO dispute that Teresa was Ximena's daughter, not a daughter of Zaida or Elizabeth (Reedpcgen) posted to on 15 Dec 1998 Subject: Re: Descent of Spanish Kings from Zaida: . "Christian Settipani was kind enough to bring to my attention a recent article by Jaime de Salazar y Acha, "Contribucion al estudio del reinado de Alfonso VI de Castilla: algunas aclaraciones sobre su politica matrimonal," Anales de la Real Academia Matritense de Heraldica y Genealogia, 2 (1992/3), pp. 299-343, sp. p. 323-8. . Though I have not seen this article, it is a long one, and if I understand correctly, he carefully examined all arguments for the different positions, both pro and con, and concludes without any hesitation that Zaida is Queen Isabel
Notes for Beatriz (Spouse 4)
O Agnes de Aquitania
Notes for Ximena (Spouse 5)
Other names for Xiména were Jimena MUÑOZ and Ximena NUNIA DE GUZMAN
Ximena had a relationship with Alfonso VI "El Bravo" Rey De Leon Y Castilla, son of Ferdinand SANCHEZ King Of Leon and Sancha DE LEON
Pablo Mera da b. 1065, pero no pareceria ser posible, si Teresa nacio en 1170. remember that Alfonso VI was a king without a male heir. Even though he had the mistress Ximena/Jimena Munoz, she had only born him only daughters, Elvirs and Teresa.
Otra fuente (ver notas de Zaida) dice que estas dos hijas eran de Zaida/Isabel. En esta nota, se atribuye a “Royalty for Commoners”
“But the point of THIS post is that lines 430-436 are the Arabic ancestry traced
as ancestry of Zaida, wife/mistress of Alfonso VI. What is amazing, is that
Zaida is stated TO BE MOTHER of Teresa (b. c. 1070, d. 1 Nov. 1130), who
married Henry of Burgundy and was mother of Alfonso I, King of Portugal! This
appears in lines 85 and 430 [Zaida, p. 430, is not listed in the index].
What kills me about this is that in the 2nd edition of RFC in line 85, Stuart
says that Teresa was daughter of Alfonso VI "by unknown concubine, formerly
thought to be Zaida (Ximena Nunez), whose lineage has been subjected to much
conjecture." This caveat has been removed from the 3rd edition.
Ximena/Jimena and Zaida/Isabel are distinctly different individuals. Teresa is
stated by many sources (including ES II 57) to be daughter by Ximena. As
discussed previously on this list, Zaida was mother of Sancho, and possibly of
two other daughters, but NOT mother of Teresa”
Notes for Isabel (Spouse 6) is known that Queen Elizabeth was the mother of two daughters, and that Zaida was mother of Alfonso's only son
There is a funerary inscription to Queen Elizabeth in the royal pantheon of San Isidoro of Leon which states that she was daughter of Louis VI of France [Hic requiescit Helisabeth Regina filia Lodovici Regis Franciae] and that she died in 1107, but this alleged French origin is not mentioned by the chroniclers Bishop Pelayo and the anonymous author of Sahagun, both fairly contemporary. And there is no evidence that Louis the Fat had a daughter named Elizabeth [Louis was born in 1081].
The first documentary evidence of Queen Elizabeth's two daughters, the infantas Sancha and Elvira, was a royal charter granted to the Bishop of Oviedo on 16 March 1104
We know a woman named Elizabeth was his consort and Queen by 14 May 1100. And we know that this Queen Elizabeth was mother of two daughters, Sancha and Elvira. Combined evidence suggests that Queen Elizabeth died 12 or 13 September 1107. The very old Alfonso VI married his last wife, Beatrice, by 28 May 1108. . It is logical to conclude that Alfonso, after having decided that he wanted his ONLY son Sancho to succeed him--instead of the legitimate son of his legitimate daughter the Infanta Urraca--would do everything to try and legitimize him. Marrying his mother, Zaida/Elizabeth, would be a logical step. . So it seems logical to me to conclude that Zaida was Queen Elizabeth, but this is still in dispute, and barring the discovery of some ancient document, it is likely to remain in dispute for the reasons spelled out in the above discussion. David Kelley stated that Szabolcs de Vajay assured him that "the concubine Zaida followed a not uncommon pattern in moving from a secondary status to a primary status, i. e., she became the queen"
Mantiene la teoria de que Elizabeth y Zaida eran la misma persona...